Offline Communities for Extraorindary People

We help people create and share offline communities around shared passions and health.

Offering activities for exceptional people

What is Willo?

  • Do you ever feel like you’ve miss out because you have additional challenges with your body or your mind?
  • Have you ever felt like your friends don’t understand what you go through?
  • Do you constantly find like you’re making excuses with your friends because you’re embarrassed or stressed about what might happen if you go out with them?

You are NOT alone.

Chat virtually or meet in person

Willo is a new private community for individuals looking who have a deeper appreciation for both health and connection.

Willo is founded by indiviiduals with long-term chronic health and mental health conditions. After struggling to join social and fitness events because of ill-health, they decided to bring like-minded and like-bodied individuals together.

We help people create and engage with local and virtual communities around activities that they’re passionate about, all the while meeting others who share their challenges and their experiences.

Who is it for?

Man waving to a new friend

Anyone who experiences or has an understanding of living with the challeges of physical or mental health can join Willo. This includes, but is not limited to:

– Female health conditions (including Menopause)
– Mental health conditions (such as anxiety or depression)
– Digestive conditions (such as IBD or IBS)
– Epilepsy
– Diabetes
– Cancer
– Hormone Disorders
-Physical or mental impairments

You don’t need to have severe symptoms or disability to join Willo. In fact, we have members who only experience mild and occasional symptoms. We also have members who are friends and carers to someone with a condition or disbaility and simply want to meet others.
Join the waitlist for early access

Willo is soon to launch our private beta release for early-bird members only.

All members must verify their ID before being let into our community. This is to safeguard everyone’s online and in-person safety.

You do not have to give any medical information to Willo. During your onboarding you will have the opportunity to voluntarily select conditions or symptoms you experience in order for Willo to match you with the right people and activities in your area.

We will never sell your personal data. Ever.

You can now to join our wait list by completing the form on the right.

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I want to help

The reaction to Willo has proven to us how much this community is needed.

Many of you have reached out asking how you can help. This is incredible! We’ve truly been overwhelmed by your support and would love to get as many of you involved as possible.

We’ve written a post which you can find here, listing all the ways you can help us. Plus, if you have any specific questions or suggestions, we’re always willing to hear them. You can email us any time at or through our social channels which you can find below.

Man asking if anyone wants to go for a bike ride